You Create Your Own Reality

Many people ask:

Why do I manifest the same problems such as stress, challenging people or circumstances in my life?

It is important to seek out whatever the perceived problem or difficulty is trying to teaching you. You must find the gift or lesson in each challenge. The outside is a reflection of the inside. Physical reality is just a holographic mirror-like reflection of what you most strongly believe to be true. Make a conscious decision to feel inner peace, stillness, love and abundance, no matter what “appears” to be happening to you. This is the identifying mark of true self-mastery, and shows that you have accepted the personal challenge to change yourself from within. If you are still unconsciously reacting in a negative way (to the outside) with disappointment, anger, fear or frustration, then you are reinforcing the fact that you have not learned or changed yet, so why then should the outside reflect that change for you?

You have unlimited potential to create your vibrational reality, whether it is positive or negative – loving or fear based. What you strongly believe in you draw into your experience. You are free to bring in the added content to whatever neutral objects, sensations, people, places or life situations are appearing in your awareness. You are the center of your own inner perceptions, or your own YOUnique Universe.

The mark of self-mastery is to see, feel, and behave positively, even if the external reality perceives to be negative. Only then will you have truly transformed because you are no longer concerned about the outside anymore, you remain mindful, loving, and detached. Decide how you’re going to feel simply because that is what you choose to feel regardless of what’s going on around you. You may, or may not have control over the events in your life, but you can certainly take control of how you respond to them.

Always allow, and give a positive and empowering meaning to everything that you experience. All that we experience is blank or neutral; nothing has a built-in meaning in itself. We, as co-creators, are designed with free will, to give our life experience meaning. The meaning we give to our experiences will be the result that we get out of it. It is very important to pay attention to our definitions, (in how we define, judge or interpret things in our lives) and to understand that our limited definitions are equivalent to what we believe to be true – but are not the truth. We shape our own version of reality through beliefs that determine our perceptions, followed by how we respond to those events (based on our thoughts and/or emotions). It all begins with a choice. You have the power to change your definitions on ALL levels that don’t work for your peace of mind, empowerment, and personal growth. How you define things determines how you will feel and experience them (be it positive or negative). Develop a conscious recognition of the definitions you place on things and your conditioned reactions to them.

When you can consciously do this, you give outside circumstances the true opportunity to change and reflect according to your grounded state of being. If you keep focusing on the “expectation” that the outside reality will change and reflect positivity, then you haven’t genuinely changed and therefore the outside won’t. Do not seek the outside world to confirm your reality or to validate your existence. Also, do not make your inner expression of joy and inner peace conditional or dependent on the outside world. Doing so is like waiting for the reflection in the mirror to smile, before you do. Be in a state of higher awareness, as this is the true reflection of who you are and what you represent. Say to yourself that you are peaceful, joyful, adaptable, and empowering in this “Now Moment”, then the outside world can have the opportunity to reflect that back to you.

For more information like this:

I had purposely chosen to have my “apparent” identity remain unknown or anonymous online (hence the nameless name, Anon I mus was created). The name “Anon I mus” is simply a contemporary spiritual symbol for the people; teaching us to look beyond our given names, beliefs, roles, social-cultural conditioning, biology, and worldly attachments. We are all encouraged to take a STAND and embrace the deeper part of ourselves which is nameless, formless and timeless Spiritual Presence. This creates the vast space to which infinite fields of possibilities can arise out of our Innermost Core. In the process of consciously emptying ourselves of form-identification (stripping away all that we are not), what will remain is our True Eternal and Formless Inner Essence (Pure Unconditioned Awareness).

It is important to view me not as a limited “form identity”, but rather, as a spiritual symbol; facilitating the role of a signpost, showing others the way to their formless and timeless eternal essence already existing within them.

By Alexa Chan

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